Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Civic candidates for October 2019

Opportunity for better October elections Part 1 of 7

"Civic" refers to fellow citizens collaborating to live under responsible human liberty.

Perhaps globally the dominant divider of persons is religion more than politics. Some persons erroneously consent that priests have higher power; that is priests are somehow exempt from responsibility under whatever-God-is. U.S. citizens share the opportunity to collaborate for actual equity under statutory justice rather than consent to dominant opinion. Thereby, the people develop statutory justice by reforming statutory law each time they discover injustice. If most citizens, perhaps 2/3, collaborate for responsible human liberty under the U.S. preamble, the collective consequence may be an achievable better future.

Image: white house 1789

Opportunity for better October elections Part 2 of 7

Dissident or alien individuals oppose the civic march toward statutory justice. However, when dissidents or aliens cause actual harm, even in moderation, they may suffer statutory law. It seems the USA Catholic Bishops may reluctantly transition toward statutory justice regarding sex-abuse-in-moderation, and only on demand by a civic people. The bishops and the people who defend canon law rather than U.S. law are U.S. aliens for the Vatican City State---against We the People of the United States, the civic fellow-citizens of the USA.

I’d like to defend the word “aliens” for people who propose to live in the USA in opposition to the U.S. preamble’s proposition. The defense starts with HIPEA, defined below.

Image: sex abuse

Opportunity for better October elections Part 3 of 7

Worldwide, there are terrifying debates over the mystery of whatever-God-is. No one knows, but lots of individuals claim they solved the mystery for the rest of humankind.

Mysterious philanthropy, perhaps Vatican power, delivers abused children to the north-Mexico border. The abused children face alone the consequences of passionate mistreatments under which they arrived. The consequences of adult passions include the children’s exposure to disease and other woe that philanthropy for the Mexican north border invited.

IRAN intends to own nuclear weapons under the mystery of whatever-God-is. Palestinians plan to take Jerusalem from former Palestinians under the mystery of whatever-God-is.

The global conflicts under whatever-God-is passionately impacts the USA and promises ruin. The USA can lead an open discussion of the mystery of whatever-God-is.

Image: Know mysteries

Opportunity for better October elections Part 4 of 7

In the USA, the civic, civil, and legal proposition under which fellow citizens collaborate for statutory justice is the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. The proposition states (in my interpretation): willing fellow citizens collaborate for five public institutions---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human liberty to the living people. Strength is needed for defense against dissidents and aliens.

The five public institutions do not appeal to whatever-God-is, a mystery to be addressed in responsible human liberty rather than as public debate, coercion, terror, or war. Some people have not the humility to accept discovery under whatever-God-is; essentially, some people rebuke whatever-God-is.

We, a Louisiana corporation for civic-collaboration called “A Civic People of the United States,” advocate a people’s civic, civil, and legal interpretation of the U.S. preamble’s proposition. Political regimes falsely label the U.S. preamble “secular,” whereas it neutralizes religion under responsible human liberty. The five public provisions leave religion or spirituality a matter of responsible human liberty.

Image: connect etc.

Opportunity for better October elections Part 5 of 7

A Civic People of the United States collaborates for at least 2/3 of fellow citizens to establish individual civic power derived from five principles: 1) fellow citizens may encourage the feral infant to develop integrity during his or her three-decades’ transition to adolescent person; 2) integrity requires first understanding then fidelity to the-objective-truth; 3) the young adult who accepted his or her human, individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) probably chose integrity rather than infidelity; 4) U.S. citizens may collaborate for justice under the U.S. preamble’s proposition rather than conflict for dominant opinion; and 5) humankind might benefit if the USA reforms to its founding sentence, the U.S. preamble. We think an achievable better future is possible under these principles and practices, even though they have never founded a culture.

The USA still suffers colonial English psychology---elitism---on the tradition of church-government partnership. In England, it’s the official Canterbury-Parliament partnership.

Image: integrity and appreciation

Opportunity for better October elections Part 6 of 7

We the People of the United States may establish and accelerate the USA political reform attempted on June 21, 1788, when the people of 9 states ratified the U.S. preamble and its articles of constitution. Unfortunately, the First U.S. Congress, 1789-93, re-established many colonial British traditions.

Dissidents and aliens separate themselves on the U.S. preamble’s proposition. With other worldly hopes, it takes millennia if the clergy reforms, so there’s little religious hope for today’s subjected infants and adolescents.

But there’s hope for most elected officials to be civic fellow citizens. Civic fellow citizens collaborate, communicate, and connect under responsible human liberty.

Image: political reform

Opportunity for better October elections Part 7 of 7

Perhaps this message will go viral so as to affect this fall’s elections. Perhaps candidates will state their individual interpretations of the U.S. preamble’s proposition then present evidence of their past collaborations, whether for responsible human liberty or not.

Will one candidate for election run on the U.S. preamble’s proposition? Will one voter consider the U.S. preamble’s proposition, interpret the proposition to support the life he or she wants to live, consider which candidates might act in the voter’s interest, and vote accordingly?

How soon will most Americans accept responsible human liberty under the U.S. preamble’s proposition?

Image: political stumping

Copyright©2019 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.

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