Wednesday, July 10, 2019

America's chaos

What’s new and urgent about ACPOTUS? Part 1 of 4. Addressing federal chaos.

A person who considers participation in A Civic People of the United States’ commitment to an achievable better future has questions. A few answers are offered during our Responsible Liberty Day event. Prevailing federal chaos makes a better future seem urgent.

An important question: What’s new or novel about ACPOTUS?

First, ACPOTUS observed in March 2019 a literal interpretation of the U.S. preamble’s proposition:   Willing fellow citizens collaborate to provide integrity, justice, peace, defense, and prosperity so as to encourage each citizen to develop responsible human liberty. Our June 20 event (see on this Facebook Page) intends to show how this interpretation comes from the 52 word preamble and a 2019 application of the 1788 words: Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, Welfare, and Liberty. Hence, the title of our celebration, “Responsible Liberty Day.”

What’s new and urgent about ACPOTUS? Part 2 of 4. Statutory justice

Second, a civic people collaborate to discover the-objective-truth as the standard for statutory justice. The civic integrity of accountable governments is grounded in ineluctable evidence---the discovery by which truth is measured. Statutory justice is nearly impossible: the achievable goal is statutory law and its enforcement established by discovery. Existing, erroneous governments operate on dominant opinion, often established by coercion, force, or war.

What’s new and urgent about ACPOTUS? Part 3 of 4. Human individual power, energy and authority

Third, ACPOTUS appreciates fellow citizens as they are and where they are in their individual paths toward civic integrity. ACPOTUS proposes to educate infants and encourage adults to accept that the human being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop either personal human appetites or civic integrity. The U.S. preamble’s proposition is for fellow citizens to encourage every individual to choose integrity, both personally and civically. This third point will be developed in library meetings beyond the June 20 celebration.

What’s new and urgent about ACPOTUS? Part 4 of 4. A civic culture.

Now in our sixth year, ACPOTUS regards an achievable better future as a lifetime endeavor, part of personal well-being that must be established and maintained as a civic culture. The social choices the generations have made since the U.S. preamble was ratified on June 21, 1788 cannot seem good in light of the federal chaos the USA seems in. Addressing roadblocks against the achievable better future alienates fellow citizens who support an institutional bias. As much as possible ACPOTUS practices the commitment to promote the achievable better future leaving traditional harms to be lessened by discovery by We the People of the United States. ACPOTUS proposes to address existing harm by practicing the U.S. preamble’s proposition under the-objective-truth.

Every person, especially the fellow citizen, is invited to Responsible Liberty Day celebration, 2019 and to collaborate for an achievable better future.

Published starting May 29, 2019 on our Facebook Page. Soon we realized ACPOTUS is cumbersome and dropped it as well as its symbol, choosing aCP instead.

Copyright©2019 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.

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