Wednesday, July 10, 2019

English history leading to the U.S. preamble

History view for the June 20 Event: How did the U.S. preamble emerge in this world? Part 1. Is it important for the individual citizen to know?


Closing ACPOTUS’s March, 2019 discussions, Bob McBride, suggested that some participants never understood where the U.S. preamble’s propositions fit in the development of the USA’s republic, the world’s most promising political proposition. The brief statement is that the 1789-1793 U.S. legislature (Congress, acting for 14 states) erroneously re-established colonial-English traditions. The republic of 50 states and 6 territories seems now straining against the fact that colonial-English tradition does not grant the existence of We the People of the United States.

Exclusive societies and slavery were global forces bemusing humankind long before the colonization of this land began. See the 3800 year-old Code of Hammurabi. Spain and France colonized North America from 1520. In 1610, Great Britain started agricultural colonization on the eastern seaboard and dominated using the slave commodity marketed by African kings.

We’re told the American War for Independence put all that behind, but actual reality does not seem to agree. It seems colonial-British influences now harm 50 states and 6 territories. The U.S. preamble’s propositions have not been established let alone maintained. As a consequence, our children and grandchildren may face a future worse than our present chaos.

History view for the June 20 Event: How did the U.S. preamble emerge in this world? Part 2. Do the people of any states own historical bias toward colonial-British traditions?


People in the 13 British colonies rebelled against British taxation and with France’s military help won independence. People located west of the Mississippi River and north of Florida mostly continued under Spanish, French, and English competitions long after the 1783 Treaty of Paris between England and the 13 eastern seaboard states. The 1774 Confederation of States survived only 5 more years. On June 21, 1788, 9 of the 13 globally free and independent states established the USA, leaving the remaining 4 states the option to join or remain globally free and independent. Eventually, continental territories joined the USA, bring the state count to 48. We the People of the United States hold both their respective states and the USA accountable under the U.S. preamble’s propositions. The people of the original nine We the People of the United States hold equity with the people of the other 41 states.

Continental territories that remained in Spanish, French, or other control were destined to increase the union of states to 48. Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona were admitted in 1907, 1912, and 1912, respectively. Oklahoma was part of the Louisiana Purchase from France. “The shared experiences of Oklahoma's people over time speak of optimism, innovation, perseverance, entrepreneurialism, common sense, collective courage, and simple decency. Those, not victimization, were the core values." ( [New Mexico’s] residents and government suffered from a reputation for corruption and extreme traditionalism. Ethnically the state [is] divided among Native American, Hispanic and Anglo elements . . . from Texas.” Arizona had Spanish and Mexican periods. Other states, including the 38th, Louisiana, a former French colony with several decades under Spanish rule, never had colonial-English bias.

People historically reflecting the states beyond the eastern seaboard did not emerge with strains of colonial-English bias and are therefore critical to an achievable better U.S. future. I’d like every American to feel “shared experience of Oklahoma’s people” stated above with one additional characteristic: awareness of civic integrity rather than victimization by the world’s history.

History view for the June 20 Event: How did the U.S. preamble emerge in this world? Part 3. Will We the People of the United States hold accountable both our respective states and the USA?


After the political actions of the First Congress, 1789-1793, colonial-English traditions that could have been terminated under the U.S. preamble’s propositions were imposed and continue to dominate the people of all fifty states and six territories. The people have not been asleep, but We the People of the United States has not secured liberty to future citizens (posterity), for example, saddling them with $22 trillion USA debt.

Because of failure to secure responsible human liberty to selves and to posterity, as proposed by the U.S. preamble, past generations have left to our generation the privilege of establishing human equity under statutory law. The authors of the U.S. preamble envisioned responsible human liberty, which our generation can establish. I doubt one fellow citizen seated on the US Supreme Court agrees or even one U.S. legislator agrees, so the challenges are great.

Participants who appreciate this perspective may better comprehend the June 20 presentation, which focuses more on key specifics of how the U.S. preamble came into existence. Five men in 4 imaginative days out of 800 years of English tyranny (0.0014% of our dominant political history) gave the world a powerful political sentence. Louisiana came later and is a fitting state from which a U.S. Responsible Liberty Day each June 21 may emerge.

Come on June 20 to discuss four brief slides covering the fantastic emergence of 52 powerful words for a repressed culture of responsible human liberty. Understanding those slides will not require understanding this view of history. The rest of the June 20 discussion addresses the civic, civil, and legal propositions in the 52 word U.S. preamble.

Published starting May 25, 2019 on our Facebook Page.

Copyright©2019 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.

Introducing A Civic People of the United States

Introduction to A Civic People of the United States (ACPOTUS):  Part 1 of 3.

I realized I appreciate peaceful people as they are where they are and want to collaborate to lessen human loss and misery so studied two questions: 1) What does it mean to be a human being and 2) what are the obligations of an American citizen?

Now, I lead collaboration at public libraries to discover the American opportunity. We nourish words and phrases that are affirmed by human experience and observation. Into the sixth year of meetings, answers to the above two questions seem emerging.

First, each human has individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) to develop integrity to the-objective-truth; that is, the ineluctable evidence by which truth is measured. Each person is free to choose infidelity to the-objective-truth and may reform if the consequences are unlikeable. Unhappily, not every human is reared in an environment that encourages him or her to accept HIPEA.

Second, each U.S. citizen owns his or her lifetime opportunity under the U.S. preamble’s individual proposition: self-discipline for integrity, justice, peace, defense, and prosperity so as to accept and encourage responsible human liberty. The U.S. preamble encourages fellow citizens to individually and collectively accept responsible liberty.

ACPOTUS develops these principles as a civic culture so as to encourage individual happiness with civic integrity.

Introduction to A Civic People of the United States (ACPOTUS):  Part 2 of 3.

Our library meetings and discussions have taught another important principle. In order to discover and practice mutual, comprehensive safety and security (civic citizenship), a fellow citizen may share a concern and viable reform, then listen: listen to both constructive response and detraction in order to discover reform that serves all citizens. Perhaps use the responses to improve the statement of concern as well as the reform so as to discover and use the-objective-truth. The ineluctable evidence is the standard that constrains dominant opinion.

Perhaps our iterative practice is civic collaboration.

Introduction to A Civic People of the United States (ACPOTUS):  Part 3 of 3.

Civic collaboration is an individual, lifetime opportunity to promote integrity at the leading edge of statutory justice. That is, as injustice is discovered, statutory law is reformed, and ultimately, justice may be established. Justice is needed because some fellow citizens think crime pays and thus need reform.

Also, the fellow citizen who chooses civic silence depends on others to provide freedom-from oppression and a surrogate for liberty: fellow citizens cannot think his or her thoughts or preferences. As practice makes these principles evident, living as civic citizens may increase.

We look to increased participation as a measure of success in promoting ACPOTUS, that faction of fellow citizens who trust-in and commit-to the U.S. preamble's proposition.

This Facebook page is dedicated to civic collaboration, discovery, and education that encourages responsible human liberty.

Published starting May 20, 2019 on our Facebook Page. Eventually, we dropped ACPOTUS as cumbersome.

Copyright©2019 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.

America's chaos

What’s new and urgent about ACPOTUS? Part 1 of 4. Addressing federal chaos.

A person who considers participation in A Civic People of the United States’ commitment to an achievable better future has questions. A few answers are offered during our Responsible Liberty Day event. Prevailing federal chaos makes a better future seem urgent.

An important question: What’s new or novel about ACPOTUS?

First, ACPOTUS observed in March 2019 a literal interpretation of the U.S. preamble’s proposition:   Willing fellow citizens collaborate to provide integrity, justice, peace, defense, and prosperity so as to encourage each citizen to develop responsible human liberty. Our June 20 event (see on this Facebook Page) intends to show how this interpretation comes from the 52 word preamble and a 2019 application of the 1788 words: Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, Welfare, and Liberty. Hence, the title of our celebration, “Responsible Liberty Day.”

What’s new and urgent about ACPOTUS? Part 2 of 4. Statutory justice

Second, a civic people collaborate to discover the-objective-truth as the standard for statutory justice. The civic integrity of accountable governments is grounded in ineluctable evidence---the discovery by which truth is measured. Statutory justice is nearly impossible: the achievable goal is statutory law and its enforcement established by discovery. Existing, erroneous governments operate on dominant opinion, often established by coercion, force, or war.

What’s new and urgent about ACPOTUS? Part 3 of 4. Human individual power, energy and authority

Third, ACPOTUS appreciates fellow citizens as they are and where they are in their individual paths toward civic integrity. ACPOTUS proposes to educate infants and encourage adults to accept that the human being has the individual power, the individual energy, and the individual authority (HIPEA) to develop either personal human appetites or civic integrity. The U.S. preamble’s proposition is for fellow citizens to encourage every individual to choose integrity, both personally and civically. This third point will be developed in library meetings beyond the June 20 celebration.

What’s new and urgent about ACPOTUS? Part 4 of 4. A civic culture.

Now in our sixth year, ACPOTUS regards an achievable better future as a lifetime endeavor, part of personal well-being that must be established and maintained as a civic culture. The social choices the generations have made since the U.S. preamble was ratified on June 21, 1788 cannot seem good in light of the federal chaos the USA seems in. Addressing roadblocks against the achievable better future alienates fellow citizens who support an institutional bias. As much as possible ACPOTUS practices the commitment to promote the achievable better future leaving traditional harms to be lessened by discovery by We the People of the United States. ACPOTUS proposes to address existing harm by practicing the U.S. preamble’s proposition under the-objective-truth.

Every person, especially the fellow citizen, is invited to Responsible Liberty Day celebration, 2019 and to collaborate for an achievable better future.

Published starting May 29, 2019 on our Facebook Page. Soon we realized ACPOTUS is cumbersome and dropped it as well as its symbol, choosing aCP instead.

Copyright©2019 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.

Responsible Liberty Day vital to families

Who is enslaving U.S. grandchildren to debt? Part 1 of 5: The problem.

This essay is intended to excite people to attend Responsible Liberty Day at Bluebonnet Library so as to consider collaborating for an achievable better future in Baton Rouge and beyond.

Short-term satisfaction. The USA’s debt stands at $22.4 trillion and is climbing. At 4 thousand newborns a year, that’s $5.5 million per newborn. Add to that the burden for illegal residents, and the fiscal injustice to infants is staggering.

The $5.5 million burden to newborn and immigrant citizens could be reduced by ending deficit spending and lessening illegal entry into the USA. The debt-legacy for grandchildren could be ended by paying the lenders the principle in addition to the interest due, now $366 billion/year.

A civic citizen (citizen for responsible liberty rather than selective imposition) is constrained to ask, who is driving this fiscal disaster for the USA’s grandchildren? Options include whatever-government-is, whatever-God-is, and whatever-citizen-is. Only some of “we, the people” are of We the People of the United States. Others are dissidents, aliens, and traitors.

A new, cogent view of the U.S. preamble’s 1787 proposition expresses to individual citizens the choice to take responsibility for human liberty---to be of We the People of the United States under the U.S. preamble’s proposition. If a supermajority, perhaps more than 2/3 of fellow citizens adopted this view of the U.S. preamble’s proposition there could develop the collective, personal civic discipline to reduce then eliminate the debt.

By encouraging responsible human liberty, a better U.S. future may be achieved.

Photo: Debt clock.

Who is enslaving U.S. grandchildren to debt? Part 2 of 5: A solution: civic integrity notwithstanding religious beliefs.


According to the U.S. preamble, civically disciplined citizens hold their government accountable without debating whatever-God-is.

Are you concerned that 2019’s families struggle for general welfare if not prosperity while increasing $22.4 trillion debt to the next generation of families? In other words, does it bother you that many parents are indebting their children? Do you realize and accept that your family may be empowering the lenders to collect from your children’s family and perhaps pass a balance to your grandchildren? In other words, today’s families may be enslaving their children’s families. Which generation will accept the debt and repay the principal in order to assure freedom-from oppression to living citizens? Without fiscal oppression the family’s grandchildren may take the human liberty-to pursue the happiness they want rather than succumb to the dictates of others, perhaps the lenders.

The U.S. preamble’s proposition is to living citizens, both now and in the future (posterity). Collaborating for the continuum of living citizens---ourselves and our posterity---equates to civic integrity.

Photo: Integrity

Who is enslaving U.S. grandchildren to debt? Part 3 of 5: Debt policy.

We the People of the United States is not holding government accountable. Consider USA policy on debt as a percent of gross domestic product (GDP). (With debt of $22.4 trillion and 105% GDP ratio, current GDP is $21.3 trillion.)

Fellow citizens may observe step changes in debt policy at'>Debt to GDP Ratio Historical Chart. We observe 40% debt ($1.6 trillion from other references) in 1984, a dip during the period 1995 until 2008, rapid rise to 64% in late 2008, to 105% in 2016, and flat through 2019. In other words, policy by whatever-government-is increased the federal debt of $1.6 trillion in 1984 to $22.4 trillion today.

Maybe fate is to blame? Events and decisions affecting federal policy are listed at A citizen might select events to make the case that whatever-government-is merely reacts to whatever-God-is---for example, the dust-bowl drought of 1931-38. Events related to global conflict are resolved on a policy of strength more than self-defense, and attributing military strength to whatever-God-is seems a stretch. In other words, a strong military discourages foreign powers from attacking the USA. Civic citizens prefer strength with no soldiers in harms way more than defense with loss and injury.

Most fellow citizens want mutual, comprehensive safety and security. Does that imply that both whatever-government-is and whatever-God-is react to whatever-citizen-is? Is the strength of a people (nation) a consequence of the strengths of each individual citizen?

Photo: debt/GDP history

Who is enslaving U.S. grandchildren to debt? Part 4 of 5: A view from the U.S. preamble.

We observe that the U.S. preamble’s proposition to individuals is:  Civic citizens collaborate for integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity so as to encourage responsible human liberty to the continuum of living citizens.

If this (or a better equivalent) is the actually real U.S. preamble-proposition, then only the civically self-disciplined citizen can hold government accountable. In other words, the citizen who thinks crime pays or that his world view rises above the U.S. preamble’s proposition has no standing to complain about U.S. governance or statutory law. Many fellow citizens prefer their world view to the U.S. preamble’s proposition: responsible human liberty.

If our observations are actual to the U.S. preamble’s proposition, “citizen” means collaborator for responsible human liberty; in other words, civic self-discipline. Further, chronologically adult citizens who are not developing civic integrity are psychologically adolescent. (See H.S. Overstreet, “The Mature Mind,” 1949---perhaps to take 2019 heat off my opinion.)

Fiscal satisfaction to 2019 families that is funded by growing debt to children’s families conflicts with “liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” This actual reality illustrates what is meant by “the-objective-truth.” No human construct can show the feasibility of a policy for continually growing annual debt. The parent who amasses enough wealth to cover each personal newborn’s $5.6 million share of the growing debt may feel secure for now. The-objective-truth exists and the human’s task is to discover and use it for individual benefit. With more citizens using the U.S. preamble’s proposition with the-objective-truth, a better future may be achieved.

Does it seem that fiscally satisfied adults are responsible for the accountability of both whatever-government-is and whatever-God-is? It seems lack of fiscal control for opportunity to the future families of the adult’s children and beyond---posterity---rests with We the People of the United States---citizens for statutory justice under the U.S. preamble.

Photo: The Mature Mind

Who is enslaving U.S. grandchildren to debt? Part 5 of 5: Responsible Liberty Day.

An achievable better future is possible if citizens can develop We the People of the United States according to the U.S. preamble’s proposition and the-objective-truth.

On June 20, 2019 at 7:00 PM at Bluebonnet Library, Baton Rouge, we will celebrate perhaps the world’s first Responsible Liberty Day. (See the event announcement and the “Press Release” on this Facebook Page.) We hope everyone who learns about the event will either attend or contact us to arrange a new venue and time for another event. More importantly, we hope participants will arrive with the intentions to consider whether or not they want to collaborate to develop A Civic People of the United States, a grass-roots, web-based practice rather than a revenue-generating non-profit.

Just as the fellow citizen who wants personal preferences in food, attire, and quarters may earn responsibility for the choices, the person who wants responsible human liberty may self-discipline so as to hold government accountable.

This essay, “Who is enslaving U.S. grandchildren to debt?” is intended to express the long-term intentions of A Civic People. Our two strengths are the U.S. preamble’s proposition for the continuum of living people and discovery and development of the-objective-truth. We hope this essay inspires fellow citizens to attend and collaborate for an achievable better future.

Photo: Celebrate and establish.

Published starting June 12, 2019 on our Facebook Page.

Copyright©2019 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.

We the People of the United States

What distinguishes A Civic People of the United States? Part 1 of 6. The U.S. preamble’s three propositions.

A Civic People practice and encourage responsible human liberty.

In the 52-word U.S. preamble, the subject is We the People of the United States, which may seem to include all citizens. Leftist liberals say all inhabitants, even illegal aliens, are included. Fiscal conservatives say inclusion requires reasonability.

The U.S. preamble is a proposition with perhaps three parts. First, there’s the opportunity to reject the proposition, perhaps risking woe. A Civic People comprehend and commit-to the U.S. preamble’s propositions. Fellow citizens who, aware or not, oppose the U.S. preamble include dissidents, aliens, and some perhaps traitors. Some face law enforcement. Illegal aliens don’t belong at all.

Each citizen may or may not consider the sentence and, aware or not, may think the U.S. preamble is not important to his or her opportunity for human life. A Civic People develop trust-in and commitment-to the U.S. preamble’s propositions and therefore are unlikely to suffer statutory law enforcement. When a dissident encounters statutory law enforcement, his or her reaction is to challenge the law rather than reform. In this way, failure to consider the U.S. preamble leads some fellow citizens into wasted life they would not choose; but the bad choice is personal history. Personal reform is the favorable method of recovery.

Second, the U.S. preamble states that the people in their states unite to authorize and maintain (by amendment to lessen human misery and loss) the laws for a global nation called the United States of America. We know the USA values unity:  The consequences of the 1861-5 Civil War indicate that the commitment in perpetuity can be broken only by military supremacy of the dissident faction of people. People tend to relate the 1865 consequence to states and states’ rights, when in fact, A Civic People in their state have responsibility for maintaining fidelity to the-objective-truth: Does their state have the moral high ground on which to create war. Or erroneous opinion like the Confederate States of America held: slavery is God’s punishment of a race for past sins.

Third, whereas the 1787 constitution produced a draft preamble claiming institutional, proprietary “self-governance,” the Committee of Style revised the proposition to public collaboration for human self-discipline. With public collaboration for 5 public provisions for mutual, comprehensive safety and security, every citizen would have the freedom-from oppression to exercise the human liberty-to responsibly pursue personal happiness rather than succumb to a life someone else would dictate.

I hope I have made the case that A Civic People of the United States trust-in and commit-to the U.S. preamble’s propositions whereas some fellow citizens dissent for reasons they may or may not understand.

Image: Civil War

What distinguishes A Civic People of the United States? Part 2 of 6. The U.S. preamble’s human proposition: civic self-discipline.

Self-discipline seems personal whereas self-government seems institutional. I don’t know where or when the term “self-government” originated, but it has many implications. Applied to colonial politics it may refer to local control under colonization so as to prevent oppression of the colonists: fairness to loyal, colonial-British subjects. Applied to a religious institution, its local control. For example, Catholic bishops in the USA are now challenged to at last observe statutory law regarding child abuse rather than attempt to protect themselves under canon law. Some individuals develop self-control or self-discipline. Self-discipline implies a standard, while self-government varies with the ruling regime.

Many, perhaps a majority, of the 55 delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention held that religion, in particular Christianity, in particular Protestantism, especially sectarian American Protestantism whether Unitarian or Trinitarian, in other words whatever-God-is, controls the standards for human behavior. Free citizens, mostly factional Protestants, perhaps took whatever-God-is for granted. The Committee of Style seemed to admit there is no standard in such religious diversity and did not cite religion among the 5 public provisions. After 232 years neglect of the committee’s actions, it seems time to re-consider the U.S. preamble.

In 1790, with 3.2 million free inhabitants almost 99% were factional Protestants---Unitarians, Trinitarians and other sects. Today, 14.8 % of the population belong to those traditional sects. With 329 million population, that’s 49 million traditional Protestants living with 280 million fellow citizens. The equity of imposed theism, let alone imposed Christianity, is disputed in 2019 even more directly than it was questioned in 1787. The 329 million need a new standard for public equity. 

A human being has too much physical and psychological power to suffer imposition of a God he or she neither submits-to nor praises. Whatever-God-is cannot be collaborated in civic appreciation. Therefore, the committee wrote a proposition for responsible human liberty predicated on public collaboration for 5 areligious provisions that nevertheless protect the human liberty to practice a responsible religion.

The 5 public provisions are Unity, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and welfare. The purpose is to encourage liberty to the continuum of living citizens. Religion, being omitted from these 6 key words is treated as private rather than civic, civil, or legal. Thus, citizens who are willing to collaborate for equity under the U.S. preamble’s proposition keep religion a private consideration: Separation of state from church is a practice by willing citizens. Those who would impose a religion on fellow citizens are dissidents to justice under the U.S. preamble.

This does not mean that a person’s responsible religious beliefs are wrong. Whatever-God-is must be powerful enough to deliver justice to every responsible person. Perhaps responsible believers are on psychological trajectories that lead to “the same point of light,” to borrow a phrase. Perhaps such people can be readily identified by their collaboration under the U.S. preamble’s proposition. By discovering and articulating the people’s proposition in many civic, civil, and legal applications, we hope to increase its practice in the USA.

Image: confidence

What distinguishes A Civic People of the United States? Part 3 of 6. “Self-discipline” an example of the human language A Civic People works to develop.

The pursuit of individual, human self-discipline rather than proprietary self-governance illustrates what distinguishes A Civic People of the United States from We the People of the United States. The former collaborate for comprehension and understanding while the latter tolerate ignorance, arrogance, and proprietary power. The former encourage acceptance of the unknown or undiscovered as well as the-objective-truth while the latter tolerate speculation using reason and other human constructs. Similarly, A Civic People seeks collaboration for individual happiness with civic integrity rather than compromise, cooperation, submission or other form of accepting arbitrary constraints on each single human lifetime. Moreover, We the People of the United States has, so far, re-instituted many colonial-British injustices, and A Civic People of the United States proposes to reform the U.S. Constitution so that it comports to the U.S. preamble’s proposition.

A prime British injustice is their constitutional church-state legislative partnership: a fixed number of Canterbury seats in Parliament. It is well known that church-state partnerships live high on the hog by picking the people’s pockets. The people neither emigrate nor rebel, because they wait an eternity for their personal God to deliver justice. Since God and government are a partnership, they look to government to deliver God’s justice. In the USA, the legislative church-state partnership is maintained “by tradition” but is codified by US Supreme Court decisions such as Greece v. Galloway (2014). A Civic People of the United States may collaborate to amend the First Amendment so as to approve and encourage individual civic integrity rather than defend the institutional business called “religion.”

A Civic People address these issues in language that most humans can relate to and collaborate to resolve.

Image: language

What distinguishes A Civic People of the United States? Part 4 of 6. Freedom-from the oppressions: 1) “don’t talk” and 2) humans tend to choose bad behavior.

I was reared under the oppression that citizens avoid if not prevent two conversations: politics and religion. If you talk, you’ll discover people are bad. However, it seems plain that many citizens guardedly talk religion and politics. I have yet to talk to an individual who prefers bad behavior.

In these 230 years of USA operations, these three subjects---religion, politics, and evil tendancy---have become so polarizing that significant pain and suffering has become a way of life in the USA. A Civic People of the United States holds that open discussion is essential for freedom-from oppression so as to encourage the liberty-to pursue personal happiness with civic integrity. Openness is essential to each citizen’s one lifetime with freedom-from institutional impositions intended to hold power throughout eternity.

Our approach is to articulate perspectives about humans, politics, and religion so as to relieve the tensions and doubts many citizens suffer.

First, religious beliefs are personal, non-competitive, and have no standards against which they may be judged. If an illegal proposal is construed as a religious belief, it is easy to show that the statutory law is being compromised, as in the case of rape by a clergyperson seeking protection under canon law. Civically, the harmless belief that Jesus’s was a virgin birth can be held private so as not to affect non-believers, and the safety of civic believers can be maintained. The believer can admit to self that he or she believes yet does not know, and therefore, would not impose the beliefs on another person.

Second, politics is public power. Each citizen may seek equity under public power---the 5 provisions listed in the U.S. preamble. The power of justice is obtained under the rule of law. Collaborators for equity seek an agreement for justice under law. In the U.S., the proposition for justice under statutory law is the U.S. preamble. A Civic People may collaborate to hold the U. S. Supreme Court accountable under the U.S. preamble’s civic, civil, and legal proposition. The standard under which the U.S. Supreme Court is judged is the-objective-truth rather than Judeo-Christianity. However, because individual citizens do not admit to themselves that their liberty to pursue individual happiness with civic integrity is in their hands, U.S. political power is controlled by competing oligarchies.

Third, humans tend to be good. A Civic People of the United States collaborates to discover and articulate the-objective-truth with clarity that resonates with human experiences and observations so convincingly that most individuals will embrace responsible human liberty with gusto, putting aside the imposition that without higher power the human individual chooses bad behavior. Every human has the authority to be good.

Image: self-reliance

What distinguishes A Civic People of the United States? Part 5 of 6. Practicing and promoting civic integrity.

What is civic integrity? A Civic People of the United States maintains a glossary. See

A Civic People practice and promote civic integrity as the basis for individual happiness.

“Civic integrity” means publicly expressing reasons for personal behavior and adopting any improvements the public discovers. “Integrity” is a practice: confronting a concern; doing the work to confirm the concern is not a false impression; if there's discovery, extending the work to understand how to benefit; behaving according-to or benefitting-from the discovery; publicly expressing the reasons for the behavior and adopting any expressed improvements; and remaining alert to new discovery that requires change. This is the rewarding work of responsible human liberty.

“Individual happiness” means freedom-from both external and internal constraints such that the individual has the psychological liberty-to behave according to personal preference without imposing on another individual.

It takes over three decades for an individual to complete building the wisdom parts of his or her brain and with good coaching to enter the pursuit of adulthood. Developing psychological maturity takes upwards of seven decades. These norms can be lessened with education for responsible human liberty.

Image: integrity and honesty

What distinguishes A Civic People of the United States? Part 6 of 6. Liberty to the continuum of living people.

By developing words and phrases that represent the human experience rather than institutional proprieties, A Civic People of the United States journals the U.S. evolution toward statutory justice. Statutory justice is written legal code that assures justice according to the-objective-truth; judicial perfection. The U.S. preamble's ultimate proposition is to improve statutory law so as to achieve statutory justice.

Through the glossary of terms, past discoveries are made available to living people, and their task of personal discovery of what-came-before and its leading edge is lessened. Thereby, A Civic People realizes its dream: lessening the misery and loss that many humans, who want to live without arbitrary burden, suffer from proprietary political power.

With a small fraction of personal time on earth, the individual can keep track of both the past and the leading edge of psychological evolution. A Civic People need not be trusted: its journal of discovery is reliable from the record of civic collaboration.

The journal of psychological progress in citizenships standards distinguishes A Civic People of the United States from We the People of the United States without compromising responsible human liberty.

Image: journal

Copyright©2019 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.

The people's independence day

Independence Day Coming, Part 1 of 6

Whereas July 4th, Independence Day celebrates the government, June 21, Responsible Liberty Day, celebrates the people and the people’s proposition: the preamble to the Constitution for the USA or the U.S. preamble for short. Statutory law that does not conform to the U.S. preamble may be amended.

Share and like the message and the video on this Facebook Page so as to influence this October’s elections to favor responsible human liberty.

Independence Day Coming, Part 2 of 6

As we prepare for the 4th of July, 2019, the press-failure wonders what the Washington, D.C. celebration will be like. Political division prevails in the USA, not only between two major parties but within each party and in the presidency.

The government will again lamely celebrate claimed political independence from England. War was initiated by local farmer-militia who liberated Worcester Massachusetts on September 6, 1774; the English never returned to Worcester homes and offices. Poets attributed the war to the “shot heard round the world” seven months later. But the USA’s colonial-English psychology is unfortunately maintained by tradition. For example, the plea “[whatever-God-is] save the Queen” has its U.S. surrogate.

Image: Independence Day

Independence Day Coming, Part 3 of 6

The 2019 Independence Day will be propagandized as the nation’s 243 birthday. But the American Revolutionary war accomplished only the 1783 Treaty of Paris:  England recognized the eastern-seaboard’s former English colonies as 13 globally free and independent states. The 13 states ratified the treaty on January 14, 1784. It’s called the Treaty of Paris because England surrendered foremost to France, the dominant military power at Yorktown, VA in 1781.

In 1787, 12 of the eastern seaboard states held a convention and proposed a global nation. On June 21, 1788, 9 states established the USA (231 years ago). Two globally-free states joined before operations began under 11 states on March 4, 1789. Two states remained globally-free for many months. (Louisiana was then part of a French territory under Spanish flag.)

The new global nation was uniquely predicated on individual self-discipline of by and for the people so as to encourage responsible human liberty. About 1/3 of the delegates to the 1787 convention did not sign the 1787 U.S. Constitution, some because they wanted to preserve the lame Confederation of States.

Image: Yorktown surrender

Independence Day Coming, Part 4 of 6

Despite tradition, the people’s proposition, the U.S. preamble, does not separate church and state. The proposition offers civic, civil, and legal collaboration to provide 5 public institutions in order to encourage each citizen’s liberty to responsibly pursue happiness whether personal religion is involved or not.

The 5 public institutions---Union, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and welfare---do not include religion, leaving the individual citizen’s use of religion a private choice. In other words, pursuit of religion is reserved for responsible human liberty. That the U.S. preamble is secular is a myth. That the government should not partner with religion is a fact.

We dread any public display of religion-government partnership in July 4th, 2019 celebrations, unless divine humility is expressed, such as “whatever-God-is.” “Whatever-God-is” helps the theist maintain appreciation that he or she cannot dictate-to or describe whatever-God-is, especially if it is an intelligent being.

Clarifying that the U.S. preamble’s proposition prevents government partnership with religion in order to encourage individual citizens to accept responsible liberty regarding spirituality or none is key to an achievable better future.

Image: separation of church and state

Independence Day Coming, Part 5 of 6

On June 21, 2019, 7 people at Bluebonnet Library, Baton Rouge, LA, publically introduced to the world Responsible Liberty Day, commemorating the establishment of the USA as a global nation on June 21, 1788. Perhaps fewer than 1000 people were informed of the meeting. We intend to celebrate Responsible Liberty Day in the USA so appeal to 329 million Americans.

About 67 people collaborated over the last 5 years so as to produce this unexpected articulation: The U.S. preamble proposes responsible human liberty. Dreams come true under free speech. Our work has developed into collaboration to discover the U.S. preamble’s ultimate proposition, which may happen in a distant-future generation.

We urge people who care about responsible human liberty for the continuum of living citizens to share A Civic People’s message. Use our blog,; Facebook Page, “A Civic People of the United States”; join our Mail Chimp mass email account; personal Facebook accounts; our business card; and, more importantly, word of mouth to spread the message: a better future is available under the U.S. preamble’s proposition with the-objective-truth as the standard for discovery.

Image: ACP

Independence Day Coming, Part 6 of 6

It does not surprise us that civic self-discipline is a hard sell:  The U.S. preamble’s civic, civil, and legal proposition has been obfuscated and neglected for 231 years.

We’d like to meet with the elected or appointed government official who has a record of performance under the U.S. preamble’s proposition so as to enlist his or her help in promoting civic, civil, and legal use of the U.S. preamble in the USA. The U.S. preamble’s proposition leaves no room for allegiance to foreign or alien powers. Yet many candidates proudly express alienation to the U.S. preamble’s proposition.

We hope that at least one candidate in Louisiana’s October elections will run on a platform featuring trust-in and commitment to the U.S. preamble’s proposition along with the candidate’s interpretation of the U.S. preamble.

Image: Gettysburg address

Copyright©2019 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.

July 4 2019's whatever-God-is

Integrity and “God Bless America” Part 1 of 7

On Independence Day some adult fellow citizens may find themselves coerced to pledge allegiance “. . . under God, indivisible” or not at all if they’re in a crowd of dissidents to the U.S preamble’s proposition. Either way, a few citizens will feel uncomfortable as they struggle with civic integrity. In the past, I have weathered this dilemma with silence at “under God.” (Legislators like retired Justice Anthony Kennedy said I’m niggling and suggest I quietly leave the room.)

The pledge is controversial because it invokes public hubris rather than humility about a mystery:  Most everybody perceives that no one knows God. When someone claims to know God, strangers suspect his or her motives. Yet political regimes impose a pledge that some fellow U.S. citizens are loath to express, especially with an American flag before them on the 4th of July. I now express “under whatever-God-is” to claim I do not know. I’m actually resisting colonial-English tradition: church-state imposition.

Why have the people never expressed humility by accepting “whatever-God-is” (or better) to express hope and comfort in the face of mystery? It is not too late for civic integrity. Whatever-God-is might celebrate an achievable better future for diverse believers.

Image: pledge to flag

Integrity and “God Bless America” Part 2 of 7

Fellow U.S. citizens are offered a global celebration---mutual, comprehensive civic safety and security---inequitably distributed as the benefits may be. How did the U.S. preamble’s proposition come to be so neglected?

Regimes don’t admit it, but 9 states established the global nation called the USA on June 21, 1788, leaving 4 of 13 states still globally free and independent (F&I). Whatever-God-is may have controlled past events. They included Shays’ Rebellion (1786-87) that convinced the 13 F&I states they could not continue as a confederation; England’s admission in the 1783 Treaty of Paris; France’s military superiority against England at Yorktown, VA in 1781; formation of the confederation of states in 1774; the liberation of Worcester, Massachusetts earlier in 1774; and England’s arbitrary taxation of the eastern-seaboard colonies in 1763. But I doubt whatever-God-is want’s war. Anyway, the USA was established 231 years ago.

The confederation of states, in the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, declared war against England. The continental Nature and Nature’s God would defeat the empire’s Canterbury God. That was 243 years ago and a declaration of war over 13% of this country’s land area.

Despite France’s military strategy---trapping Cornwallis on the Virginia peninsula---and power---30,000 military personal to America’s 11,000 and England 9,000 including 2,000 Germans--- many citizens felt factional American Protestantism had defeated the Protestant Church of England. Militarily, yes: psychologically, no.

Image: Shays Rebellion

Integrity and “God Bless America” Part 3 of 7

Some fellow citizens erroneously felt that victory in the war for continental freedom from England (the 13 eastern seaboard states defeating the empire that colonized them) confirmed that “our God” will always defeat “their God.” In my articulation, the states’ whatever-God-is would defeat England’s whatever-God-is. The states didn’t accept the news: France’s military power won the war. I doubt military power is whatever-God-is.

In 1861, with religious zeal some Christian ministers taught whatever-God-is was punishing black slaves for sins of their ancestors, and abolitionists ought not interfere with Christianity’s plan. Errant fellow citizens tried to secede from the USA, denying citizens’ duties under the U.S. preamble. Seven states formed the CSA and fired on the USA, which still represented 27 states. Despite 1:4 power, the CSA’s whatever-God-is would defeat the USA’s whatever-God-is.

In the end, military power prevailed. I doubt whatever-God-is wanted the Civil War.

This great historical fact---the Civil War was empowered by erroneous religious belief---could inspire the continuum of living citizens to accept whatever-God-is, develop civic integrity, and still associate with fellow believers to take responsibility for the souls they sense.

However, no one has the prerogative to intend to modify another person’s responsible motivation and inspiration to civic integrity so as to fulfill a mystery.

Image: Civil War

Integrity and “God Bless America” Part 4 of 7

I cringe each time elected and appointed officials exercise the hubris to represent whatever-God-is using the generic name “God.” I doubt whatever-God-is favors official hubris. I also think the people suffer from legislative, judicial, and administrative pretense to “divinity,” colonial-English tradition that it is.

The irony of political regimes pretending partnership with whatever-God-is was expressed by Nicolo Machiavelli in “The Prince,” Chapter XI in 1513. Lucky is the land with religious believers: the church-state partnership picks the people’s pockets so the partners live high on the hog, and the people's belief in whatever-God-is prevents the people from leaving or rebelling.

The U.S. First Congress re-established the colonial church-state partnership they practiced as English subjects, and the factional American-church charade lives on in 2019.

President Trump, at Normandy for D-Day celebrations expressed a dwindling Western-European influence with phrases like “with God as their witness,” self-judging “a virtuous people, praying to a righteous God,” then judging allies in “the palm of God’s hand.” Meanwhile, social scientists in Western Europe are promoting sophistry like John Rawls’ contractarianism, a politically progressive expression of social contracts. Western Europe excludes the U.S. preamble's exemplary proposition.

Does whatever-God-is claim responsibility for military strength and resolve? When young people commit-to and trust-in responsible human liberty is it arbitrary to attribute their sacrifices to the mystery of whatever-God-is? Is our obligation to future citizens served by discounting vigilance and strength as a civic people’s best defense? Is our posterity’s interest served by legislative, judicial, and administrative pretended divinity?

Is the actually real power of whatever-God-is invoked by human images and self-judgement? Does whatever-God-is choose involvements in wars? Is war won by military power?

I think pretense of divinity hurts the people, and only individual responsible human liberty can end the charade. Mutual, comprehensive safety and security requires individual civic integrity.

Image: D-Day

Integrity and “God Bless America” Part 5 of 7

Can fellow citizens accept that prayer offers them hope, comfort, and attention to whatever-God-is without restricting a neighbor’s opportunity for responsible human liberty? Can people of differing religious beliefs share dialogue about the mystery of whatever-God-is as a basis for neighborliness? Can people of differing political persuasion collaborate to discover and benefit from the-objective-truth, the ineluctable evidence on which truth is measured?

What would it take to achieve a better future---a future wherein today’s adults want to pay the accumulated $22.4 trillion debt rather than leave it to the children? A future wherein no one expresses perception of doom with the thought “At least I won’t be here to witness what my children face.”

There is available to U.S. citizens an agreement that accommodates the diverse responsible hopes and comforts of religion within human liberty. It does not accommodate alien influences such as opposition to the U.S. preamble’s proposition. When most citizens are collaborating under the U.S. preamble’s proposition, associations that are managed in foreign nations cannot influence outcomes in the USA.

People who aspire to be of We the People of the United States commit-to and trust-in 5 public institutions---Unity, Justice, Tranquility, defense, and welfare---in order to secure responsible human liberty to the continuum of living citizens. The 5 public institutions for liberty protect the civic citizen’s personal motivation and inspiration whether a responsible religion is involved or not. Religious institutions that think subversive political power will prevail are encouraged to reform their doctrine or face dwindling support in the USA. Aliens cannot with immunity abuse citizens under the U.S. preamble’s proposition.

Image: individual collaboration

Integrity and “God Bless America” Part 6 of 7

We encourage a civic people of July 4, 2019 to take charge:  Establish the USA under the U.S. preamble’s proposition and the-objective-truth, after 231 years neglect. Political regimes bemused the people under the tradition of church-state partnership inherited from England with its constitutional Canterbury-Parliament partnership. Freedom of religion obscures the opportunity to develop civic integrity and individual happiness according to responsible personal preference rather than someone’s arbitrary dictates. 

Responsible human liberty seems so attractive that contemplation of these ideas might motivate individual reforms. With enough individuals deciding to accept their church pursuits separately from civic discipline under the U.S. preamble, a better future in the USA may begin to seem achievable.

Acceleration by open-minded, candid communication rather than yielding to the subversion “don’t talk politics or the mystery of whatever-God-is” could effect rapid change to civic integrity.

Image: integrity and honesty

Integrity and “God Bless America” Part 7 of 7

The 4th of July 2019 marks opportunity for individual fellow citizens to accept responsible human liberty under the U.S. preamble’s proposition. One interpretation is described in this thread and elswhere on this Facebook Page. Without a broadly practiced citizens’ agreement for equity under the rule of law, there can be no development of statutory justice---statutory law that serves the continuum of living people rather than preserves impositions from the past or allows alien influences.

With widespread collaboration---perhaps 2/3 of voters on board---the path toward discovering the ineluctable evidence by which to defeat the tyranny of sophistry (for example, John Rawls’ contractarianism or more popularly “social democracy” or identity chaos).

It seems that 2019 England has neither experience-with nor regard-for the U.S. preamble’s proposition. That does not make them an enemy again. But under responsible human liberty, England’s negative political influences can be purged from typical American psychology at last. America can establish civic integrity rather than civic religion.

If the ideas in this 7 part series resonate with you, “like” this Page and this post. Share the series with friends. Responsible human liberty under the U.S. preamble’s proposition can go viral to help affect the next elections, which in Louisiana come in October. With widespread demand, no matter how sudden and late, every candidate may be compelled by voters to demonstrate how they have collaborated under the U.S. preamble’s proposition, not as I interpret it but as each individual citizen sees it.

Image: political stumping

Copyright©2019 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Civic candidates for October 2019

Opportunity for better October elections Part 1 of 7

"Civic" refers to fellow citizens collaborating to live under responsible human liberty.

Perhaps globally the dominant divider of persons is religion more than politics. Some persons erroneously consent that priests have higher power; that is priests are somehow exempt from responsibility under whatever-God-is. U.S. citizens share the opportunity to collaborate for actual equity under statutory justice rather than consent to dominant opinion. Thereby, the people develop statutory justice by reforming statutory law each time they discover injustice. If most citizens, perhaps 2/3, collaborate for responsible human liberty under the U.S. preamble, the collective consequence may be an achievable better future.

Image: white house 1789

Opportunity for better October elections Part 2 of 7

Dissident or alien individuals oppose the civic march toward statutory justice. However, when dissidents or aliens cause actual harm, even in moderation, they may suffer statutory law. It seems the USA Catholic Bishops may reluctantly transition toward statutory justice regarding sex-abuse-in-moderation, and only on demand by a civic people. The bishops and the people who defend canon law rather than U.S. law are U.S. aliens for the Vatican City State---against We the People of the United States, the civic fellow-citizens of the USA.

I’d like to defend the word “aliens” for people who propose to live in the USA in opposition to the U.S. preamble’s proposition. The defense starts with HIPEA, defined below.

Image: sex abuse

Opportunity for better October elections Part 3 of 7

Worldwide, there are terrifying debates over the mystery of whatever-God-is. No one knows, but lots of individuals claim they solved the mystery for the rest of humankind.

Mysterious philanthropy, perhaps Vatican power, delivers abused children to the north-Mexico border. The abused children face alone the consequences of passionate mistreatments under which they arrived. The consequences of adult passions include the children’s exposure to disease and other woe that philanthropy for the Mexican north border invited.

IRAN intends to own nuclear weapons under the mystery of whatever-God-is. Palestinians plan to take Jerusalem from former Palestinians under the mystery of whatever-God-is.

The global conflicts under whatever-God-is passionately impacts the USA and promises ruin. The USA can lead an open discussion of the mystery of whatever-God-is.

Image: Know mysteries

Opportunity for better October elections Part 4 of 7

In the USA, the civic, civil, and legal proposition under which fellow citizens collaborate for statutory justice is the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. The proposition states (in my interpretation): willing fellow citizens collaborate for five public institutions---integrity, justice, peace, strength, and prosperity---in order to encourage responsible human liberty to the living people. Strength is needed for defense against dissidents and aliens.

The five public institutions do not appeal to whatever-God-is, a mystery to be addressed in responsible human liberty rather than as public debate, coercion, terror, or war. Some people have not the humility to accept discovery under whatever-God-is; essentially, some people rebuke whatever-God-is.

We, a Louisiana corporation for civic-collaboration called “A Civic People of the United States,” advocate a people’s civic, civil, and legal interpretation of the U.S. preamble’s proposition. Political regimes falsely label the U.S. preamble “secular,” whereas it neutralizes religion under responsible human liberty. The five public provisions leave religion or spirituality a matter of responsible human liberty.

Image: connect etc.

Opportunity for better October elections Part 5 of 7

A Civic People of the United States collaborates for at least 2/3 of fellow citizens to establish individual civic power derived from five principles: 1) fellow citizens may encourage the feral infant to develop integrity during his or her three-decades’ transition to adolescent person; 2) integrity requires first understanding then fidelity to the-objective-truth; 3) the young adult who accepted his or her human, individual power, energy, and authority (HIPEA) probably chose integrity rather than infidelity; 4) U.S. citizens may collaborate for justice under the U.S. preamble’s proposition rather than conflict for dominant opinion; and 5) humankind might benefit if the USA reforms to its founding sentence, the U.S. preamble. We think an achievable better future is possible under these principles and practices, even though they have never founded a culture.

The USA still suffers colonial English psychology---elitism---on the tradition of church-government partnership. In England, it’s the official Canterbury-Parliament partnership.

Image: integrity and appreciation

Opportunity for better October elections Part 6 of 7

We the People of the United States may establish and accelerate the USA political reform attempted on June 21, 1788, when the people of 9 states ratified the U.S. preamble and its articles of constitution. Unfortunately, the First U.S. Congress, 1789-93, re-established many colonial British traditions.

Dissidents and aliens separate themselves on the U.S. preamble’s proposition. With other worldly hopes, it takes millennia if the clergy reforms, so there’s little religious hope for today’s subjected infants and adolescents.

But there’s hope for most elected officials to be civic fellow citizens. Civic fellow citizens collaborate, communicate, and connect under responsible human liberty.

Image: political reform

Opportunity for better October elections Part 7 of 7

Perhaps this message will go viral so as to affect this fall’s elections. Perhaps candidates will state their individual interpretations of the U.S. preamble’s proposition then present evidence of their past collaborations, whether for responsible human liberty or not.

Will one candidate for election run on the U.S. preamble’s proposition? Will one voter consider the U.S. preamble’s proposition, interpret the proposition to support the life he or she wants to live, consider which candidates might act in the voter’s interest, and vote accordingly?

How soon will most Americans accept responsible human liberty under the U.S. preamble’s proposition?

Image: political stumping

Copyright©2019 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

English dominance of America

Part 1 of 4. Introduction

In the June 20 discussion, we will mention 800 years of English influence on the USA. The U.S. preamble’s proposition could have lessened English impositions starting 231 years ago. But the privilege of establishing a better future under the U.S. preamble is ours.

It is not feasible to cover English history and focus on the U.S. events in one meeting, so I’ll do it now and hope readers and participants in the June 20 event are the same or share information they may confirm. Three key events are Magna Carta, 1215; papal bulls in 1454 and 1463; and the English Bill of Rights, 1693.

Part 2 of 4. Early Catholic dominance in England and beyond

Magna Carta, 1215, created a Catholic Clergy-Lords partnership that evolved into the Canterbury-Parliament constitutional power that exists today. Also, it clarified a system of classism that evolved into a mixed constitution with The Sovereign, peers and commoners. In the U.S.A. there should be no commoners.

Papal bulls of 1454-1456 assigned to Portugal the right to “discover” lands in the east of the Americas, to enslave natives, and to enjoy a monopoly in African trade. A papal bull of 1493 assigned to Spain corresponding rights in the west.

Part 3 of 4. Protestantism takes over in England

The English Bill of Rights of 1689 fixed Protestantism, exacerbating competition with the Catholic Church, for example in African trade. England had been locating slaves on the eastern seaboard of America since 1619 and later dominated the Atlantic slave trade.

French Catholicism was an issue in the First Continental Congress, in 1774, settling on 13 English colonies self-styled “states” rather than 14 to include Nova Scotia. See and

Part 4 of 4. Louisiana was never English-dominated

It is important to note that during these times “discovery” of North America was dominated by Spain, France and England, often at war with each other. Louisiana, a former French colony became a state in 1812 and had not the English traditions that still influence the eastern seaboard.

I mention this post in the June 20 discussion. There, the story viewed from the 13 eastern seaboard (English colonies) begins with England placing slaves there in 1619. The USA began operations in 1789 with intentions to end the slave trade (1808) and slavery (a failed assumption).

Copyright©2019 by Phillip R. Beaver. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the publication of all or portions of this paper as long as this complete copyright notice is included.